Thursday, September 18, 2008

Identity theft protection

Identity theft protection

1.What can you do to protect your identity?

Some quick and easy things you can do for identity theft protection are:

* Check your credit reports from all three credit bureaus
* Opt out of unsolicited credit card offers
* Put fraud alerts on your credit report
* Buy a shredder and use it

A good solution for many people is to hire professionals to protect their identities. There are many identity theft protection plans to choose from. The best ones give you a guarantee of full-service help if your identity is stolen.

2.Here’s Why I Have Identity Protection
Identity theft has finally started getting the attention it’s been begging for. As people become more aware of this crime, they’ve brought pressure on politicians and the credit reporting agencies to make changes. In the past, every state had their own laws regulating security freezes. On November 1, 2007, everyone can put a security freeze [...]

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Identity 'Protector',"Here's why i have identity protector?,What can you do to protect your identity",

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