Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My opinion about IL

During my final semester at CFS,IIUM, one of the core course that I have to learn is Information of Literacy(IL). I actually have no idea about this subject prior getting into the class. However after several classes, I found that this subject has provided me a lot of information on the current global technology in IT. Thanks to Mdm Ayu Rafikah who has kept her student becoming more interested and understood about the technology needs in he present life.
Since the technology has grown from time to time, the needs for IT workers has also been mushrooming towards the future. In addition, career in IT has a broad scope which creates more opportunities and job options that IT fresh graduates can choose on. This includes programming, data analyst, web designing and others.
Ok, back to the IL class =) The good thing about this class is it will be very useful for the students in their future career. This class has given a good and precise preview on the IT usage and application. Organizing networking and data analyzing are the main subjects that can be applied in the IT career. Therefore, this class is very crucial towards my need. I'm so glad that I choose IT for my tertiary education and career path for its bright future ahead.

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